In Their Own Words
A radio show dedicated to the U.S. combat veterans from all conflicts.

1st Show
I was honored to sit down with Tom Canup of Mt. Airy, GA. Mr. Canup was a Korean War veteran. He shared a glimpse of his life from before, during, and after the war.
We lost Tom Canup on March 2nd, 2019. It was a great honor to have been able to share time with him, and a tremendous loss. I was about to schedule another interview with him when I learned of his passing. He will be missed!

2nd & 3rd Show
I am awestruck, having spent four hours one morning with James Ramey. Mr. Ramey is a WWII veteran and former tanker under General Patton. I left with two shows worth of history, and an invite for more! Sadly, we lost Mr. Ramey on November 7th, 2023.
2 Separate Interviews:

4th Show
I finally get one of my good friends to sit down with me to share his experiences. Don Vickery, a decorated Vietnam Veteran, with 2 combat tours, sits down and shares a bit of his life with me.
Update: 6/8/22. Don passed today. He will be missed. Don was able to re-unite with his original helicopter since the interview.
Show played live on 12/2/18

5th & 6th Show
With endless stories about WWII, Korea, the Olympics, and a very active and productive post-military life, Larry Kinder shares a mere glimpse into his world.
On November 13, 2019 Mr. Kinder departed us. It was an honor to spend a great deal of time with him and his family. He will be missed immensely!
Show played live on 12/16/18

7th Show - Fred White
We're back! In the first post-pandemic show, I sit down with US Navy (ret) Fred White, to capture his story. From growing up in Idaho, to his US Naval experience, to his very busy life afterwards, Fred shares his personal journey of life.

8th Show - Ken Franklin
Ken and I had planned to do this for some time, but our schedules never allowed it. We finally got the chance recently, and Ken shared some of his experiences from Vietnam. For those struggling with PTSD, or anger, this episode is a must-listen.
Due to the size of the audio file, it needed to be compressed slightly, and some gaps cut down. I also removed the opening sequence. None of this should change the overall show.

9th Show - VFW Post Commander Bill Miles and Sr. Vice Commander Jim Morgan visited with WWII Navy Veteran Pearl Crisler recently. Jim returned to sit down to interview Pearl for her story of being a Rosie the Riveter and US Navy veteran
If are, or know of, a veteran wishing to be interviewed, please submit a contact form to schedule an appointment.